Data Search and Extraction: A Library Catalog
### Data Search and Extraction: A Library Catalog
# Examples of data extraction from nested data structures. The structure is
# based on examples in the book
# "Data Oriented Programming" by Yehonatan Sharvit.
function main()
# Get input data, see it below at the end of file
println("Input data: ", getData());
println(i"\nGet entry by key (ISBN) and get one of its fields:");
println("\nGet entry by key (ISBN) and make new object of several fields:");
println( getData().booksByIsbn[isbn] | fields title, publicationYear );
# define function to retrieve authors
function authorIdsToDescr(data, authorIds)
"retrieve and format list of authors as string";
authorIds | map(x -> data.authorsById[x].name) | join(", ");
println(i"\nGet entry by key (ISBN) and make of it new object:");
| apply(x -> { "title" : x.title,
"authors" : authorIdsToDescr(getData(), x.authorIds) })
| println();
# Convert map to list of keys - use the subscript operator []
println("\nGet list of all book isbns");
println( getData().booksByIsbn | []["key"] );
# Convert map to list of values
println("\nGet list of all book entries from the map");
println( getData().booksByIsbn | []["value"] );
# Convert map to list of entries and get specific field
println("\nConvert map to list of titles");
getData().booksByIsbn |
[]["value"]["title"] |
# Convert map to list of entries and build new object of each entry
println("\nConvert map to list of titles and autors");
getData().booksByIsbn |
[]["value"] |
map(x -> { "title" : x.title,
"authors" : authorIdsToDescr(getData(), x.authorIds) }) |
# Build list of unique values of tags
println("\nGet set of used tags");
| []["value"]["tags"] | apply(f"append") | apply(f"hashset") | println();
println("\nSearch full text of entries for ones that contains",
" a string 'kernigan' and return book titles");
| search "kernigan" | []["title"] | println();
println("\nSearch entries for ones that have a title that contains a ",
"string 'Programming Language'");
| search title =~ "Programming Language" | []["title"]| println();
println("\nSearch entries for ones that have title that match the regex ",
"'^The ([A-Za-z0-9]+) Programming Language$'");
| search title =~ r"^The ([A-Za-z0-9]+) Programming Language$"
| []["title"]
| println();
println("\nSearch entries for ones that have tag 'Programming Language' ",
"and published before year 1980");
| search publicationYear < 1980 and "programming languages" in tags
| println();
println("\nSearch entries for ones that have more than one author");
| search length(authorIds) >= 2 | fields title, authorIds | println();
println("\nSearch entries for ones that have available copies using ",
"subsearch on array of book items");
| search (bookItems | search not isLent ) | fields isbn,title | println();
function getData ()
return {
"booksByIsbn": {
"978-1779501127": {
"isbn": "978-1779501127",
"title": "Watchmen",
"tags" : ["comics", "super hero", "alternate history"],
"publicationYear": 1987,
"authorIds": ["alan-moore", "dave-gibbons"],
"bookItems": [
"id": "book-item-1",
"libId": "nyc-central-lib",
"isLent": true
"id": "book-item-2",
"libId": "nyc-central-lib",
"isLent": true
"979-8745274824": {
"isbn": "979-8745274824",
"title": "The Great Gatsby",
"tags" : [ "american classics", "jazz age", "prohibition"],
"publicationYear": 2021,
"authorIds": ["scott-fitzgerald"],
"bookItems": [
"id": "book-item-3",
"libId": "nyc-central-lib",
"isLent": true
"id": "book-item-4",
"libId": "nyc-central-lib",
"isLent": false
"978-0262510875": {
"isbn": "978-0262510875",
"title": "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs",
"tags" : [ "programming languages",
"programming language design",
"publicationYear": 1996,
"authorIds": ["harold-abelson", "jay-sussman"],
"bookItems": [
"id": "book-item-5",
"libId": "nyc-central-lib",
"isLent": true
"978-0131103627": {
"isbn": "978-0131103627",
"title": "The C Programming Language",
"publicationYear": 1978,
"tags" : [ "programming languages", "C"],
"authorIds": ["brian-kernigan", "dennis-ritchie"],
"bookItems": [
"id": "book-item-6",
"libId": "nyc-central-lib",
"isLent": true
"id": "book-item-7",
"libId": "nyc-central-lib",
"isLent": true
"The Go Programming Language": {
"isbn": "978-0134190440",
"title": "The Go Programming Language",
"publicationYear": 2015,
"tags" : [ "programming languages", "golang"],
"authorIds": ["brian-kernigan", "alan-a-a-donovan"],
"bookItems": [
"id": "book-item-8",
"libId": "nyc-central-lib",
"isLent": false
"id": "book-item-9",
"libId": "nyc-central-lib",
"isLent": false
"authorsById": {
"jay-sussman": {
"name": "Jay Sussman",
"bookIsbns": ["978-0262510875"]
"harold-abelson": {
"name": "Harold Abelson",
"bookIsbns": ["978-0262510875"]
"brian-kernigan": {
"name": "Brian W. Kernigan",
"bookIsbns": ["978-0131103627", "978-0134190440"]
"dennis-ritchie": {
"name": "Dennis M. Ritchie",
"bookIsbns": ["978-0131103627"]
"scott-fitzgerald": {
"name": "Scott Fitzgerald",
"bookIsbns": ["979-8745274824"]
"alan-moore": {
"name": "Alan Moore",
"bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
"dave-gibbons": {
"name": "Dave Gibbons",
"bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
"alan-a-a-donovan": {
"name" : "Alan A.A. Donovan",
"bookIsbns": [ "978-0134190440" ]
Input data: {booksByIsbn={978-1779501127={isbn=978-1779501127, publicationYear=1987, title=Watchmen, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-1, isLent=true}, {libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-2, isLent=true}], authorIds=[alan-moore, dave-gibbons], tags=[comics, super hero, alternate history]}, 978-0131103627={isbn=978-0131103627, publicationYear=1978, title=The C Programming Language, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-6, isLent=true}, {libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-7, isLent=true}], authorIds=[brian-kernigan, dennis-ritchie], tags=[programming languages, C]}, 978-0262510875={isbn=978-0262510875, publicationYear=1996, title=Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-5, isLent=true}], authorIds=[harold-abelson, jay-sussman], tags=[programming languages, programming language design, lisp, scheme]}, 979-8745274824={isbn=979-8745274824, publicationYear=2021, title=The Great Gatsby, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-3, isLent=true}, {libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-4, isLent=false}], authorIds=[scott-fitzgerald], tags=[american classics, jazz age, prohibition]}, The Go Programming Language={isbn=978-0134190440, publicationYear=2015, title=The Go Programming Language, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-8, isLent=false}, {libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-9, isLent=false}], authorIds=[brian-kernigan, alan-a-a-donovan], tags=[programming languages, golang]}}, authorsById={harold-abelson={name=Harold Abelson, bookIsbns=[978-0262510875]}, scott-fitzgerald={name=Scott Fitzgerald, bookIsbns=[979-8745274824]}, dennis-ritchie={name=Dennis M. Ritchie, bookIsbns=[978-0131103627]}, alan-moore={name=Alan Moore, bookIsbns=[978-1779501127]}, jay-sussman={name=Jay Sussman, bookIsbns=[978-0262510875]}, dave-gibbons={name=Dave Gibbons, bookIsbns=[978-1779501127]}, brian-kernigan={name=Brian W. Kernigan, bookIsbns=[978-0131103627, 978-0134190440]}, alan-a-a-donovan={name=Alan A.A. Donovan, bookIsbns=[978-0134190440]}}}
Get entry by key (ISBN) and get one of its fields:
Get entry by key (ISBN) and make new object of several fields:
{title=Watchmen, publicationYear=1987}
Get entry by key (ISBN) and make of it new object:
{title=Watchmen, authors=Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons}
Get list of all book isbns
[978-1779501127, 978-0131103627, 978-0262510875, 979-8745274824, The Go Programming Language]
Get list of all book entries from the map
[{isbn=978-1779501127, publicationYear=1987, title=Watchmen, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-1, isLent=true}, {libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-2, isLent=true}], authorIds=[alan-moore, dave-gibbons], tags=[comics, super hero, alternate history]}, {isbn=978-0131103627, publicationYear=1978, title=The C Programming Language, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-6, isLent=true}, {libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-7, isLent=true}], authorIds=[brian-kernigan, dennis-ritchie], tags=[programming languages, C]}, {isbn=978-0262510875, publicationYear=1996, title=Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-5, isLent=true}], authorIds=[harold-abelson, jay-sussman], tags=[programming languages, programming language design, lisp, scheme]}, {isbn=979-8745274824, publicationYear=2021, title=The Great Gatsby, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-3, isLent=true}, {libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-4, isLent=false}], authorIds=[scott-fitzgerald], tags=[american classics, jazz age, prohibition]}, {isbn=978-0134190440, publicationYear=2015, title=The Go Programming Language, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-8, isLent=false}, {libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-9, isLent=false}], authorIds=[brian-kernigan, alan-a-a-donovan], tags=[programming languages, golang]}]
Convert map to list of titles
[Watchmen, The C Programming Language, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, The Great Gatsby, The Go Programming Language]
Convert map to list of titles and autors
[{title=Watchmen, authors=Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons}, {title=The C Programming Language, authors=Brian W. Kernigan, Dennis M. Ritchie}, {title=Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, authors=Harold Abelson, Jay Sussman}, {title=The Great Gatsby, authors=Scott Fitzgerald}, {title=The Go Programming Language, authors=Brian W. Kernigan, Alan A.A. Donovan}]
Get set of used tags
[C, scheme, programming language design, super hero, american classics, comics, golang, lisp, jazz age, prohibition, alternate history, programming languages]
Search full text of entries for ones that contains a string 'kernigan' and return book titles
[The C Programming Language, The Go Programming Language]
Search entries for ones that have a title that contains a string 'Programming Language'
[The C Programming Language, The Go Programming Language]
Search entries for ones that have title that match the regex '^The ([A-Za-z0-9]+) Programming Language$'
[The C Programming Language, The Go Programming Language]
Search entries for ones that have tag 'Programming Language' and published before year 1980
[{isbn=978-0131103627, publicationYear=1978, title=The C Programming Language, bookItems=[{libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-6, isLent=true}, {libId=nyc-central-lib, id=book-item-7, isLent=true}], authorIds=[brian-kernigan, dennis-ritchie], tags=[programming languages, C]}]
Search entries for ones that have more than one author
[{authorIds=[alan-moore, dave-gibbons], title=Watchmen}, {title=The C Programming Language, authorIds=[brian-kernigan, dennis-ritchie]}, {authorIds=[harold-abelson, jay-sussman], title=Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs}, {title=The Go Programming Language, authorIds=[brian-kernigan, alan-a-a-donovan]}]
Search entries for ones that have available copies using subsearch on array of book items
[{isbn=979-8745274824, title=The Great Gatsby}, {isbn=978-0134190440, title=The Go Programming Language}]