The 8 Queens Problem
;;; The 8 Queens Problem
(setq N 8)
(setq solutions (list))
(defun print-solution (s)
(foreach (i (range 0 N))
(foreach (j (range 0 N))
(print (if (== (get s i) j) #\U2655 "-")))
(defun check-placement (a n c)
"Check if placement (n c) is free from attacks from queens in board a."
(foreach (i (range 0 n) true) ;; loop returns true unless return called inside
(let ((pos (get a i)))
(when (or (= pos c) ; same column?
(= (- pos i) (- c n)) ; same diagonal
(= (+ pos i) (+ c n))) ; same diagonal
(return false)))))
(defun add-queen (a n)
"Add to board a all queens from n up to N"
(if (>= n N)
(push! solutions (copy a)) ; all queens have been placed,
(foreach (c (range 0 N)) ; try to place next queen
(when (check-placement a n c)
(put! a n c)
(add-queen a (+ n 1))))))
;; position: list of integers that represent queen positions in rows
(add-queen '() 0)
(println "Found " (length solutions) " solutions")
(println "First solution:")
(print-solution (first solutions))
Found 92 solutions
First solution: