Quick Start for Explang Core
Download an Explang Core executable JAR jars from Github releases
Or use maven CLI to fetch the artifacts from maven central:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:get -Dartifact=io.opsit:opsit-explang-core:0.0.8:jar:runnable -Dtransitive=false -Ddest=opsit-explang-core-0.0.8-runnable.jar
Using Explang Runnable Jar
Using REPL
Explang-core contains built-in REPL. Run it in a terminal emulator or in Windows console:
$ java -jar opsit-explang-core-0.0.8-runnable.jar
Welcome to the EXPLANG REPL!
Active parser is LispParser
Loaded packages are: [base.math, base.text, io, base.bindings, ffi, base.funcs, loops, threads, base.version, base.coercion, base.logic, base.lang, base.arithmetics, base.seq, base.control, base.regex, dwim, base.docs, base.beans, base.types]
Please type an EXPLANG expression
[0]> (print "hello, world!\n")
hello world
=> hello world
This built-in REPL implementation does not support editing of and command history, so one is may want to it with some kind of wrapper such as rlwrap, VS Code repeater REPL extension, Emacs inferior lisp mode.
There is a REPL implementation with editing and history support in a separate project Explang JLine REPL.
To exit press ^D (^Z on Windows console) on a new line.
Executing Explang Scripts
$ java -jar opsit-explang-core-0.0.8-runnable.jar ./examples/hello.l
Hello world
Further Steps
- Learn more about the language in Using Explang with Lisp Syntax.
- See more information on using REPL in Using Explang REPL
- See how to call Explang from Java code in Using Explang from Java Code.
- See how to extend the language Extending and Customizing the Language.