Explang/lisp Built-in Functions by Name
@ A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W % * + - . / < = >
(@-> args ...)
Threading form on &PIPE or first argument
builtin form in package base.control defined at class io.opsit.explang.Compiler$TH_PIPE
Logical AND
(AND &REST &LAZY forms)
Function `AND` lazily evaluates each argument expression, one at a time from
left to right. As soon as any of them evaluates to implicit logical `false`,
`AND` returns this value without evaluating the remaining expressions (if any).
If all evaluate to true values, `AND` returns the result produced by
evaluating the last expression. If no arguments supplied, `AND` returns `true`.
builtin function in package base.logic defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$AND
Concatenate sequences (non-destructive).
(APPEND &REST sequences)
`append` returns a new sequence that is the concatenation of the
elements of the arguments. All the arguments remain unchanged. The
resulting sequence is of the same type as the first argument. In no
arguments were given, an empty list is returned. If target sequence is
an array, necessary coercions according to the type of array elements
will be performed automatically.
builtin function in package base.seq defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$APPEND
Concatenate sequences (destructive).
(APPEND! &REST sequences)
Adds to the first given sequence (target sequence) all the elements of all of the following sequences and return the target sequence. If no sequences were given an empty list will be returned. Target sequence must be extendable, that means that objects like Arrays or String cannot be target of this operation
builtin function in package base.seq defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$NAPPEND
Call function f
with arguments
expanding the last one.
(APPLY f &REST arguments)
`apply` calls function `f` with given arguments. If the last of the arguments
is a list, its contents will be appended to the list of arguments of `f`.
builtin function in package base.funcs defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$APPLY
Get Array element value.
(AREF array index)
Return array element at specified index. Throws ArrayOutOfBoundsException if index is invalid
builtin function in package base.seq defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$AREF
Access command line arguments.
When n is provided return nth argument as String, when not -- return list of command line arguments. If n is out of range return NIL.
builtin function in package runtime defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$ARGV
(AS-> args ...)
Threading form on named argument
builtin form in package base.control defined at class io.opsit.explang.Compiler$TH_AS
Set value of element at index to object.
(ASET obj key object)
Set indexed sequence (array, list, character sequence) element value.
May fail with index out of bound exception.
If target ibject is a Java array and object type does not match type of the
array this function will attempt to perform necessary coercion operations.
The coercions work in the same way as INT, FLOAT, STRING and rest of the
built-in coercion functions.
The function returns new sequence with the requested change, the original
object is not modified
builtin function in package base.seq defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$ASET
Set value of element at index to object.
(ASET! obj key object)
Set indexed sequence (array, list, character sequence) element value.
If target ibject is a Java array and object type does not match array type
this function will attempt to perform necessary coercion operations.
The coercions work in the same way as INT, FLOAT, STRING and rest of the
built-in coercion functions. May fail with index out of bound exception.
The function returns previous value of the element.
builtin function in package base.seq defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$NASET
Associates values with keys in an map structure.
(ASSOC map key val &REST kvpairs)
Return new instance of the structure, the original is left unchanged.
builtin function in package base.seq defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$ASSOC
Associates values with keys in an map structure.
(ASSOC! map key val &REST kvpairs)
Modifies the object and returns it as the result.
builtin function in package base.seq defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$NASSOC
Check if an object is an associative collection.
builtin function in package base.seq defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$ASSOCIATIVEP
Return callstack backtrace.
Returns string representation of current stack frame.If vars is a sequence print bindings that are contained in a sequence.If vars is not a sequence print all bindings only if vars boolean value is true.
builtin function in package base.funcs defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$BACKTRACE
Convert Java Bean to a Map.
(BEAN object &OPTIONAL prefix suffix)
Returns a Map based on getters in the passed java object. Accepts optional prefix and suffics arguments that are used to modify the generated keys.
builtin function in package base.bindings defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$BEAN
Coerce Value to Boolean.
(BOOL value)
Value may be a Character, a Number, a Boolean, a Byte, a String, any object or NIL:
* Boolean value will be returned as is
* NIL is false
* Character is false.
* any Number which is equal to zero is false
* an empty String is false
* An empty collection is false
* Any other object is true.
builtin function in package base.coercion defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$BOOL
Check if Symbols are Bound.
(BOUNDP &REST symbols)
Returns True if all the arguments are bound symbols or names of bound symbols; otherwise, returns False.
builtin function in package base.bindings defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$BOUNDP
Coerce Value to Byte.
(BYTE value)
Value may be a Number, String, any object or NIL.String will be parsed as number using same rules as numeric literals. The floating point values will be truncated.
builtin function in package base.coercion defined at class io.opsit.explang.Funcs$BYTE
Coerce Value to Character.
(CHAR value)
Value may be a Character, a Number, a Boolean, a Byte, a Stringor NIL:
* Character value will be returned as is.
* NIL will be converted to unicode value # .
* a Boolean True value will be returned as character 'T', False as '